Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF)

Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF)
Platelet-Rich Fibrin treatment maximises the body’s own healing power to rejuvenate and preserve youthful skin. A concentration of growth factors and cells is extracted from your blood and re-injected to promote the regeneration of cells resulting in firmer, plumper skin, and a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles. PRF technology has also enabled a bio alternative to Hyaluronic Acid-based dermal fillers, free from the risk of foreign body reactions that patients with allergies can experience with traditional filler.
Treatment FAQs
PRF is a 100% natural and chemical free approach using and maximising your body’s own powerful healing proteins embedded within a natural fibre mesh. Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) is a concentration of growth factors and cells collected from your own blood. It is a natural regenerative strategy that uses a standard blood draw, spun at high speeds in a Bio-PRF machine to create concentrated and natural growth factors.
Since no additives are used, it forms a ‘super’ blood clot, which serves as a reservoir of growth factors with significantly elevated concentrations of regenerative cells capable of stimulating wound healing. It promotes the regeneration of cells within the surrounding implanted microenvironment of the injected liquid PRF. This results in firmer, plumper skin, and a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.
The Bio-PRF horizontal centrifugation system is a groundbreaking technology, enabling the Dr Sebagh Clinic to efficiently maximise the body’s natural wound healing properties by creating supra-physiological (super-doses) of naturally derived growth factors found in whole blood and applying it to facial aesthetics. Results are extremely effective, and a more natural look is achievable than ever previously possible.
Utilising the Bio-PRF system, doctors are now able to speed the regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin and hair by re-stimulating new blood flow and maximising regeneration at the cellular level to re-plump and revitalise skin.
PRF is an effective treatment that reduces the signs of ageing; slows down the ageing process when used preventatively; and helps to improve acne scarring. A potent treatment for facial rejuvenation, it improves skin tone, texture and enlarged pores.
Specifically, this treatment can effectively and drastically improve the appearance of hollow eyes and dark circles, as well as reduce nasolabial folds, marrionnete lines, peri-oral lines and skin of neck, chest and hands.
As one of the best anti-ageing treatments, it boosts the natural production of collagen and elastin so that you can achieve firmer, healthier, younger-looking skin as the months pass by. It can also be used to prevent a depletion of collagen starting in younger patients who want to prevent the ageing process.
PRF will promote collagen, elastin, and growth factors to create thicker skin that doesn’t fold in on itself, creating wrinkles and fine lines. As we age, our skin thins and becomes more fragile, leading to the signs of ageing. Maintaining your skin via PRF treatments will prolong and preserve youthful, beautifully plumped skin.
PRF is incredibly effective in improving the overall appearance of skin and wrinkles, by tightening the skin, smoothing out textural irregularities, and giving it an overall regenerative glow. PRF is particularly effective at treating under-eye skin ageing by filling in sunken hollows and reducing the visibility of our wrinkles.
PRF is also for hair regeneration in The Dr Sebagh Clinic. Read more about PRF for Hair Loss here.
Following a thorough consultation, your doctor will start by collecting a sample of your blood. The sample is then spun in a centrifuge machine to separate the red blood cells from the platelet layer containing growth factors, heavier white blood cells, stem cells and fibrin.
An additional heating process, known as Bio-Heat, follows centrifugation which extends the resorption of PRF from 2-3 weeks to 4-6 months. The product is known as extended PRF (e-PRF). This new development and protocol involves heating the platelet-poor plasma layer to specific temperatures to denature and reorganize albumin. This drastically extends the working resorption properties of PRF, meaning the results last much longer.
The e-PRF is collected and a fibre mesh comprised of platelet rich-fibrin and a concentration of growth factors is prepared for injection into the targeted treatment area. The process should take no longer than 15 minutes.
For younger patients, or those who are using PRF in a preventative manner and for skin rejuvenation, approximately four facials a year are recommended for a glowing, plumped complexion all year around.
PRF shows a significantly greater ability to induce collagen matrix synthesis when compared to PRP. Hence PRF offers superior results in skin rejuvenation than the conventional PRP.
The difference between PRP and PRF lies predominantly in how your blood is collected. The procedure for the classic PRP facial involves taking a sample of blood and separating the platelets into two distinct layers— a platelet-rich layer and a platelet-poor layer— by spinning the sample at a high speed in a centrifuge. An antiquagulation is added, which removes the fibrin from the blood, causing it to thin and prevent the blood from clotting.
Whereas, for PRF, your blood is spun at a lower speed so that heavier white blood cells, stem cells, and fibrin remain in the platelet layer. The slow spin also means fewer cells are damaged which leaves a higher concentration of healing platelets.
PRF contains approximately 10 times the platelet concentration that is found within the body, whereas PRP contains roughly 2-5 times. With PRF, no anticoagulants are added. This allows for the creation of a spongy fibrin matrix that signals the platelets to release their growth factors slowly, meaning longer-lasting results. The effects of PRP last for approximately 3 months; with PRF this is extended to 6 months.
The final difference is how the treatments are used. PRP is typically performed as a facial or microneedling session while PRF is used like a filler. The fibrin and slow-release growth factors in PRF build volume in the skin, so this natural filler is a wonderful alternative to synthetic filler.
PRF can be used as a 100% natural bio-filler, fully biocompatible without foreign body materials or chemicals. This is a revolutionary anti-ageing treatment for all patients, but particularly those who have allergies to chemicals and synthetic fillers, or those who prefer a more natural solution when it comes to ageing-maintenance.
PRF Bio-Filler is proven to effectively induce Collagen synthesis when it is implanted within the superficial layers of skin and into the dermis. This special technology forms a stable clot following the heating process (e-PRF) which provides superior volume enhancement which makes fillers last longer by several months.
For patients looking to restore or add volume to the face, but desire a completely natural alternative to chemical fillers, PRF is the best option for you.
Extended-PRF is injected into the safe anatomical areas of the face, neck and chest. Once injected, the e-PRF may be moulded into the desired appearance with light pressure. Since e-PRF is 100% natural, the end result is a lot more natural and realistic looking.
The most discomfort patients experience during the procedure is the initial blood draw. PRF is then re-injected using a very fine needle or cannula into the skin which can be slightly uncomfortable. Anaesthetic numbing cream is available for patients who requestit.
Platelet Rich Fibrin is prepared from the patients own blood, so there is no risk of allergies or nodules. This breakthrough in skin rejuvenation provides an effective option even to those with allergies to chemical fillers.
A small amount of redness, swelling or bruising can occur in the treatment area when the PRF is injected, however this will subside in a few days
You will notice a visible improvement immediately after the treatment and the effects of the collagen production can be seen around two weeks after treatment.
To maintain the results Dr Sebagh recommends at least four PRF treatments per year.
Patients can also combine the PRF treatment with Radio Frequency and Micro needling (e.g. Morpheus 8, Scarlet, Explore etc.) to enhance collagen stimulation with growth and vascular factors. Adding PRF to your treatment is an amazing way to amplify the effects of micro needling and helps your skin to have less downtime than you would with micro needling alone.
When combined these two treatments can work to break apart collagen bundles in the superficial layers of the dermis while helping to induce more collagen under the epidermis. The treatment can also help to disperse clusters of melanin which are responsible for the dark spots on the skin.
PRF can also be used as a treatment in conjunction with Thread Lifts, significantly improving skin tension and volume with supreme skin rejuvenation.
Alternatively, you can upgrade your classic filler, by blending it with PRF and other vitamins to boost your complexion and give skin a wonderful radiance.
"Stay in the doctor's chair for his Ultimate Skin Booster: a blend of PRP, polynucleotides, exosomes, peptides, vitamins and hyaluronic acid (plus a dash of glutathione and tranexamic acid, if pigmentation is a problem). This leaves no trace of intervention, just gleaming, glassy skin that will have everyone telling you how good you look."– Tatler Beauty & Cosmetic Surgery Guide 2025